Fleet Management

The Future of Fleet Management from 2023

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There have been so many changes in the fleet industry in the past few years that it can be challenging to keep up. We have seen unprecedented challenges that have forced us to adapt in ways we never thought possible. We know that the COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed the logistics process. It caused great difficulties, leading fleets to bring in new technologies to combat their issues. However, some challenges persist, and technologies continue to develop. Let’s discuss the emerging trends in fleet management in 2023.

Supply Chain Issues Continue

You may still be noticing empty shelves at your local stores. This shortage is because supply chain issues still need to be resolved. As a fleet expert, you are likely aware of the challenges businesses face in obtaining the necessary vehicles to meet shipping demands. Beyond procurement, there are also product shortages as manufacturers face their own challenges. Communication is vital in dealing with the inevitable delays that supply chain issues will cause. 


Fleet telematics has been on the rise since 2021. Fleets use telematics to gain insight in three significant ways: 

  • Vehicle Tracking– Fleet managers can track drivers’ locations to estimate delivery times and improve their dispatch process.
  • Insurance Assessment – Managers can give insurance companies the information they need to estimate risk more easily, lowering insurance premiums. 
  • Maintenance Updates – Managers can run engine diagnostics and perform preventative maintenance. Upkeep is fundamental as many fleets are being forced to use older vehicles. 

See some of our blog articles on telematics for more information: 

What is Fleet Telematics? A Guide to Telematics – Oct. 19th, 2022

How to Use Telematics in Fleet Management – Mar. 15th, 2023

The Future of Telematics Technology – May 10th, 2021


The driver shortage has worsened since the pandemic, and driver safety is a serious concern for drivers looking for jobs. Therefore, driver safety has an immense emphasis for many fleet businesses. Fleets are using all kinds of technology solutions to keep their drivers safe. 

In-cab dash cams are particularly popular. They monitor driver behavior and alert fleet managers when drivers show signs of reckless driving. Other tools like data-backed coaching and driver rewards help support safety culture and show drivers that safety is a top priority. 

We have also posted many blogs on safety for you to check out. 

What is a Fleet Safety Policy? – Oct. 17th, 2022

Technology to Support Your Fleet Safety Program – Jun. 22nd, 2022

What is a Fleet Safety Culture? – TBD

5G Technology

If you’ve bought a smartphone in the last few years, you’ve likely heard of 5G. 5G has become more accessible, particularly in 2023. 5G boosts the accuracy of telematics by eliminating factors like weather conditions. It’s estimated that more fleets will turn to 5G in the coming months. 

Learn more about 5G from our previous blog articles.

What the Arrival of 5G Means for Telematics – Jul. 13th, 2021

The Difference Between 3G, 4G, & 5G GPS Trackers – Jan. 26th, 2023

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