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Full vertical stack for EMS and fire agencies, 100% cloud, bring your own device.

Routing & Dispatch
Passenger Transportation
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Company Overview:

AngelTrack is True Cloud software for EMS and FIRE companies. It includes dispatch, PCR, QA, billing, fleet, timeclock, checklists, crew scheduler, HR, customer portal, and a report builder. AngelTrack is NEMSIS certified on v3.4.0 and v.3.5.0, and NFIRS/FEMA approved on NFIRS v5.0.

Azuga Integration:

AngelTrack can pull vehicle data from your Azuga fleet management account, providing live GPS positions for AngelTrack's use.

AngelTrack polls Azuga about once per minute for the positions of your entire fleet. This data comes from the Azuga devices installed in the vehicles.

For every vehicle that returns a valid position which is less than 20 minutes old, AngelTrack stores the new position in its own record for that vehicle. This matchup of Azuga's fleet records with AngelTrack's vehicle records is done using VINs.

The position data then informs many other features in AngelTrack, including but not limited to:

- The "distance away" column on the Dispatch Assignment page;

- The mini-maps on the Dispatch Create, Dispatch Assign, and Dispatch Divert pages;

- The estimator arrows on the dispatch board;

- Crew member pins on the Live Map;

- Vertex's mid-day solves and suggester;

- Vertex's self-drive mode; and

- The vehicle locator mini-map in the Vehicle Edit page.