Data is critical to any construction fleet. With so many vehicles and assets in play at all times, you need the optimal software to monitor it and the ability to break down information, so it’s easy to digest and use for your daily tasks. Construction tracking tools in your fleet management software are the best solution when it comes to:
- Detecting the location of your construction assets at any time
- Managing multiple job sites and projects
- More easily monitoring asset utilization and output
- Monitoring when equipment is up for maintenance
There are many reasons that construction fleets should take advantage of construction tool tracking. Let’s discuss the benefits in more detail now.
Monitoring Heavy Equipment
things can get confusing for a construction fleet with multiple job sites and equipment moving back and forth between them. When you track your construction tools, managing these assets becomes much easier. This solution helps you monitor all your assets on one platform to automate maintenance, locate lost or stolen assets, and access related data on your mobile device. With real-time diagnostics, you’ll always know the needs of your fleet, no matter where you are.
Maximizing Asset Utilization
Monitoring is only part of your duties regarding your construction equipment; you also want to ensure that you utilize all of your assets to their fullest potential. Proper use of your equipment can reduce equipment hoarding and unnecessary hiring costs while increasing productivity on your job sites. With construction asset tracking reports, you can view the total number of assets on a job site, the active days on a project, and engine hours. All this information is summed up to show equipment utilization as an easy-to-access percentage. Having this data is crucial in your day-to-day decisions. For example, you can cross-reference time spent on a site with asset usage, figure out how much an asset costs you in fuel costs, or calculate contractor costs.
Improving Safety
Tracking equipment isn’t only beneficial for your fleet’s efficiency. It can also boost safety on your job sites by tracking operator behavior. Obtain customizable reports that highlight specific driver habits and warn you when there are problems that require more training. When you know these behaviors, you will be able to provide targeted training that addresses the issue at its root. With construction tool tracking, you can ensure that your fleet stays compliant with federal regulations, so you never have to worry about being hit with unexpected fines or fees.
What’s the Best Tracking Solution?
Azuga has been working with construction fleets for years and can help you meet your efficiency and safety needs. We know the industry inside and out and can therefore provide you with the best service possible. Learn more about what we can do by reaching out to an expert for a demo!