Field Service Management

The Best New Ways to Use Field Service Data

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Without question, field service management software for small businesses has been growing by leaps and bounds over the past several years, and even more so since the beginning of 2020. It is evolving rapidly and has developed into a product that is intuitive, inventive, and useful. Every day, FSM software is being evaluated for new and insightful ways it can be elevated for broader usefulness and to make it even more indispensable to field service business managers, administrators, and even fleet vehicle operators. 

While field service management software for small business continues to evolve, some of its best features remain underutilized. Effectively using the data currently being collected can extend insights throughout multiple aspects of your business, allowing you to get the most from your telematics. By recognizing the opportunities that remain untapped, you’ll be able to utilize field service management software in new ways and maximize its value across your business as it grows. 

Predictive Maintenance 

With comprehensive field service management (FSM) software, GPS tracking allows data collection in near real-time. The benefit of keeping your assets  monitored constantly is that you can set alerts for any maintenance coming due, which will trigger repair sensors that ensure you know exactly when each asset in your fleet needs your attention. 

Responding to this information proactively can prevent potential issues before they become more serious problems. Keeping the fleet active on the road and keeping employees moving through their schedules prevents vehicle and employee downtime and limits the need to deploy additional personnel and repair or replacement equipment. Using the data that is already being collected in your field service software to plan maintenance and respond to potential repair needs is another way FSM software adds value to your business and dollars to your bottom line.

Drive Innovation

With the use of field service management software, data is being collected across your business, continually and in real-time. By reviewing and analyzing this data, key insights into customer offerings can be developed. Utilizing information on the products your customers are using, services most (and least) utilized, gaps in service, and opportunities for customized offerings can lead to real growth. 

The information gathered can drive sales, be used to upsell, make product improvements, or recognize gaps in service offerings. Finding and evaluating those gaps leaves you in the prime position to develop new solutions for your customers. Solutions developed to respond to a need that your company data has identified is true innovation — and innovation positions you to be among the leaders in field service in your area.

Resource Optimization

Most fleet management companies understand that using field management software can help optimize employee schedules and routes. However, the resource optimization capabilities of the software don’t end there. Insights provided on asset use and service issues makes it possible to match technician skill sets and specialized tools to provide the most efficient and effective service to your customers. Eliminate inefficient pen-and-paper methods to record materials used, time spent, and additional costs by using mobile technology instead. Tracking resources makes it possible to record actual time spent in the field on each client and precise mileage. Take this information a step further and produce more accurate and timely customer invoicing, and eliminate the need to transcribe the information into a separate program. Resource optimization can extend across your whole business from the office to the field and beyond.

Gain Business Insight

Gather and evaluate key operational data using the information provided by your field service management software. It will allow you to put together various pieces of your business data to better understand your clients’ needs. Reviewing the information across your business can really make it apparent what is working and what isn’t. Being able to analyze those data points can make more profitable opportunities more easily recognizable to both you and your field managers. 

Having different types of data, such as financial metrics and productivity data, provides the opportunity to evaluate the bigger picture for your field service-based business. Information is power in your business. Comparing and evaluating critical data gives you the opportunity to gain valuable industry insights and make improvements to your business and your company’s offerings.

The Best Options in FSM Software for Small Business in 2021

Field service management software for small business provides many unique features to improve and expand your fleet business as it grows. Becoming familiar with the capabilities of your FSM software and utilizing it to its fullest extent should be a key goal for 2021. 

Azuga has the best field service management software available to help fleet-based businesses optimize their operations from the office to the field. Every aspect of your business is tracked and is available to be analyzed to keep operations running smoothly and efficiently. 

Data and efficiency give way to developing products and services that better serve your customers. Predictive maintenance, resource optimization, technological innovations, and field service business development are all essential aspects of Azuga Works, our exceptional, cloud-based field service management software.